Thursday, May 28, 2009

Who Needs Hofbrauhaus When You Have Brauhaus Schmitz?

I first heard about Brauhaus Schmitz from Suzanne Woods here back in September of last year. Since then I haven't paid much attention to the activites over at 718 South Street. Looks like it's time I pull my head out of my ass and focus on what's happening. Their website is already letting us know what to expect in the way of food and beer. All those who hung their heads low with the closing of Ludwig's prepare to hoist a liter very, very soon!


Dan Bengel said...

It is looking pretty good, I see a nice Sat. afternoon down there in my future.

Tim said...

I walked by there the other day and construction seems to be proceeding apace...

Brian P said...

Sat afternoon might be the best time. You know the place is going to be packed on weekend evenings.