Monday, March 22, 2010

Home is Where the Two Hearted is

This past weekend Yards Brewing held it's 3rd annual Philadelphia Real Ale Invitational. While I had intended to make my way into the city work life altered my weekend plans. If anything I'm consistent since I've managed to find a way to miss all the previous years. Even though all didn't go as planned I managed to catch some sun on the deck, get the grill ready and rediscover a beer that I've neglected for far too long.

In my seasonal quest of hop monsters (ooohhh Pliny the Younger & Hop Slam) I've managed to overlook a beer that should never be pushed aside. From the back of the Beer Fridge I brought out a couple bottles of Bell's Two Hearted Ale.

One of my favorite beer experiences is aroma. That first big waft of hops when you pop the cap and pour it into the glass. Two Hearted didn't disappoint in this arena with it's big citrusy hops and floral aroma right from the start. I could spend my time just smelling this beer but we all know that's only half the fun. The upfront taste is a good balance of hop bite and sweetness. If I had never had this I may of expected a bitter rush from the start. Instead there is sweet mix of grapefruit, tangerine and pine then the bitter takes over leading to dry finish. The hop bite that does hit is sharp however not over the top. Overall a very good IPA.

I may not of had the chance to sample the unique cask conditioned ales at Yards but an afternoon in the sun with a couple Two Hearted Ales isn't a bad way to spend the day. This one easily makes it onto my list of favorite IPAs.

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