Friday, July 22, 2011

Thanks Big Dan for Bringing Us Beersgiving

Mr. Dan Bengel, aka Big Dan, has officially made the announcement of BEERSGIVING.  A grand beerfest to be held at Sunnybrook in Pottstown on Sat November 19th.  Yes, that's the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Hence the name of the fest.  Those of you who know Dan are probably aware that his first attempt at a beerfest unfortunately fizzled fast.  That's why this announcement is even sweeter.  I've known about it for awhile but was sworn to secrecy. A wise man, especially a beerwise man, knows it's best to follow Big Dan's wishes. You know he hangs with those TNSC hooligans. Anyway I kept quiet and now that the news is out we can all cheer for the big day.  If you haven't done so already click on the above link for more information and start counting the days until our first BEERSGIVING.

1 comment:

Dan Bengel said...

You are a kind man sir. Hope to see you out at what could be your last TNSC for quite some time. I have brought goodies from DE.