Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Domain Pain the Continuation

If you're reading this you have obviously managed to find the new/current home of IAMBEERWISE.  Unfortunately the former IAMBEERWISE.COM is no longer (for now).  Through a series of mishaps the domain I started with has slipped from my possession and into the hands of another.  Basically it's in domain name limbo. I'm currently going through steps to regain it but as I figured it's a slow and arduous process.  With Philly Beer Week upon us I need to move on with the blog and hope for the best.  Does using IAMBEERWISE.NET make a huge difference?  No.  I've never pretend this blog is anything more than what it is.  I'm not changing the world, hopefully just what goes in your glass. It's inconvenient and annoying more than anything.  Tons of broken links and searches and some readers who certainly think the site is dead.  Those who know me realize this stupid mishap would never deter my craft beer passion. So for now the switch is on to IAMBEERWISE.NET and we'll see if the .COM is meant to be again.

The saga continues...............

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