Monday, July 21, 2008

A Reason for Cloning

I have already banged my head against the wall more than a few times over this one. This Friday the 25th presents an interesting dilemma for beer fans around Philadelphia. There are no less than three beer oriented activities happening and they are nowhere near each other. Now I know that I should just be happy that I have something to choose from but that's hard when you want to go to them all. I don't feel like bouncing around the area depleting my gas tank more than I need to so a choice has to be made. The nominees in no particular order are.

1. The Grey Lodge, NE Phila.
Flying Fish Head Brewer Casey Hughes steps in from 6-9pm to challenge the crowd at R U Smarter Than Casey? The rare Bourbon aged Flying Fish Abbey Dubbel is also being tapped. MMMMM... bourbon!!!!

2. Stewart's Brewing Co, Bear DE.
Big Beer Friday is set in preparation for their 13th Anniversary Party on Saturday. Stewart's will be serving some of their best from the current and past beer list. Bourbon Stout, Cherry Dubbel, Barleywine 2008, Vintage Barleywines, Bourbon Barleywines, Stumblin' Monk, Abbey Dubbel and Conundrum. Can you say designated driver?

3. Ron's Original Bar and Grill, Exton PA.
It's Victory Brewing Night. Sales Rep Tracey Mulligan will have the only area release outside of the brewery of Wild Devil. MMMMM...Brettanomyces. Also enjoy 10 Year Alt, Baltic Thunder, Kolsch,Prima Pils, Mad King Weiss, Hop Devil and Whirlwind Wit.

Oh well a choice must be made. The great thing is there are no losers in the bunch. Things are a little easier on Saturday with Stewart's 13th Anniversary Party starting at 11am and The Brew at the Zoo beer festival at the Philadelphia Zoo starting at 6pm. Oh wait I forgot the Battle of the Brewery Bands at Stoudts Brewing Company that also kicks off at 6pm. This is going to be one serious beer weekend. Now just to figure out which way to point the car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...