Thursday, March 20, 2008

March Madness Beer Weekend

Now that Beer Week is just a memory it’s time to look forward on the beer calender. Easter and March Madness will dominate the weekend but there are a few local beer happenings. Union Jack’s Inn on the Manatawny is hosting its Easter Hopfest on Saturday March 22. The event starts at noon and should satisfy everyone’s early spring hop craving. Check out the list of big beers and click on the link for more details.

Union Jack’s 3rd Annual Hopfest

Bells Hopslam
Stone Ruination
Southern Tier Gemini
Southern Tier Unearthly
Troegs Nugget Nectar
Stoudt’s Double IPA
Ithaca Double IPA
Boulder Mojo Risin
Lost Coast Double Trouble
Sly Fox Odyssey
Avery Maharajah
Mad River Steelhead Double IPA
Weyerbacher Double Simcoe
Victory Hop Wallop

Brooklyn had theirs at Mugs Ale House now it’s time for the Philadelphia Split Thy Skull. As usual it is at Sugar Moms (225 church street) in Old City. The festivities start at 1pm and with one look at the beer list a designated driver is a wise choice.

Sugar Mom’s Split Thy Skull

Arcadia Cereal Killer Barleywine
Breckenridge 471 IPA
Flying Fish Applejack Eis-Grand Cru
Founders Devil Dancer Strong Ale
Iron Hill Quadfather Quadrupel
Porterhouse Old Buck Old Ale
Sly Fox Ichor Quadrupel
Stone Old Gardian Barleywine
Stoudt’s Old Abominable Barleywine
Thomas Hooker Old Marley Barleywine
Victory Old Horizontal Barleywine

A quick look at next weekend shows that Weyerbacher is having its annual Open House on Saturday the 29th. Expect 8 plus kegs to sample from and enjoy a little beer talk with the guys at the brewery. The day starts at noon and continues until 3pm. This is a free event.

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