In the darkness of my doubts
I know not what to say.
In the darkness of my jealousies
I know not what to feel.
In the darkness of my insecurities
I know not what to become.
-Sri Chinmoy
In the darkness of my glass I know not what I'll taste. The darkness in the glass is 2011 Firestone Walker Parabola. It's a high octane (13% abv) bourbon barrel aged imperial stout. I had debated on whether or not to pull this from my cellar or to let it sit on the shelf, get dusty and age. Originally I had only one bottle. A HUGE thanks to Rich Isaacs ( who stepped up when I thought I missed my chance to find it in store. Then, not too long after, during a trip through South Jersey I got lucky and came across two bottles. Score! So quickly none turned to three. Now the best of both worlds: drink one and age two.
On the first pour of Parabola the bourbon shows big in the aroma. There is no denying its bourbon aged. Chocolate, hints of cherry/dark fruit, coffee and caramel all fall in line. The taste is sweet bourbon mixed with chocolate, vanilla and roasted malt flavors. With small sips it's perfectly smooth at first. However, the booziness catches up in the end and it becomes hot. Not horrible, but age should do good things to this beer. Even now it's still a pretty amazing.
If you're lucky enough to have a bottle or find it on draft two things are a must. First, enjoy it in the proper glass. Get your nose into a snifter and have fun with the aroma while you drink. Yes it makes a difference! Second, taste it cool but wait to really enjoy it once it warms up. Well worth it.
I put it up there with The Abyss, Bourbon County Brand Stout and Black Magick. The curiosity of how this is going to taste in a year or two is the only thing that stops me from opening the remaining bottles and enjoying them now.